New Requirements for Air Conditioning and Heat Pump Systems

Effective January 1, 2023, the US Dept of Energy a new minimum efficiency standards for air conditioners and heat pumps will go into effect. SEER2 and EER2 HSPF Why the new requirements? There are many other variables that will affect the new guidelines, such as different ratings for different regions of the country. There are…More

Need some freon? Sure! Fill ‘er up.

How often does an air conditioner need refrigerant? Baggett Heating and Cooling explains why your system doesn’t need refrigerant added regularly. Every year our technicians encounter homeowners who believe their AC or heat pump should be recharged regularly.  We often hear, “The last guy who serviced it added a little freon each time he came.” …More

Should you hook up your gauges every time?

It’s common practice for many HVAC technicians to hook up their refrigerant hoses every time they evaluate a system. At Baggett Heating and Cooling, we believe the professional technician should determine that action based on the conditions of the call and the need. Here’s why… Manifold gauges allow a technician to enter the (normally closed)…More

Pros and Cons of a Home Warranty

A home warranty is different from having home insurance or a maintenance plan on your HVAC unit; so should you invest in one? Baggett Heating and Cooling explains the pros and cons of having a home warranty A home warranty does not replace home insurance as it is meant to protect your home’s systems and…More

Why Your Rental Property Needs HVAC Maintenance

Baggett Heating and Cooling explains why having a maintenance plan for your rental property’s HVAC unit is important  If you own a residential rental property, having income from a rental can be a little extra every year but can also be like running a full-fledged small business. In either case, it can be a lot…More

Why Your HVAC Unit Blower Wheels Need to be Cleaned

Blower wheels and its blades are tasked with moving air throughout your duct system. Baggett Heating and Cooling explains why you need to keep them clean. A blower wheel is designed to keep air moving in and out of your HVAC system, and after years of use, dirt can build up on the blades. Most…More

Help! My Brand New Air Conditioner Stopped Working

Did your brand new air conditioner suddenly stop working? Don’t panic! Baggett Heating and Cooling explains why it might not be as big as a problem as you would think  There could be many reasons why your brand new air conditioner isn’t cooling. A quick check of your system will likely tell you the issue. …More

What Does Auxiliary Heat on My Thermostat Mean?

During colder temperatures, you may notice your thermostat will say “Aux heat” but what exactly does this mean, and is it a bad thing? Baggett Heating and Cooling has all the information you need to know about auxiliary heat. Extremely cold weather requires your HVAC unit to work harder to maintain your comfortable indoor temperature….More

There Is Rust In My HVAC System, Is That Bad?

We have all grown up with the impression that rust is bad and a sign of something failing or falling apart. Is that true for an HVAC system?  Baggett Heating and Cooling is here to talk about rust and what you need to know about it in terms of your system. In Clarksville, TN there are…More

Does the Brand of Your HVAC Equipment Matter?

There are many different brands of equipment to choose from when it comes to your HVAC unit. Baggett Heating and Cooling breaks down what you need to know about choosing the right brand. HVAC companies work with specific manufacturers that carry certain brands of equipment. When you choose a heating and cooling company, they will…More