
Why Isn’t My AC Keeping Up?

Summer weather has arrived in Clarksville, TN. With temps forecasted in the upper 90’s, it seems appropriate to share how ACs are designed to work. When designing an air conditioner, contractors use design conditions. Those conditions for Clarksville, TN are to maintain 75° indoors when it’s 93° outdoors. When the…

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What to Expect with Extreme Outdoor Temps

The dog days of summer typically bring some of the hottest days of the season. Baggett Heating and Cooling wants you to know what you should expect when the temps climb Heat, humidity, and airflow have a lot to do with how your air conditioning unit works. Extreme outdoor temperatures…

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What Kind of HVAC System Do I Have?

The house seems to be getting uncomfortable, you walk to the thermostat and there seems to be a problem. Time to “call Baggett”! What type of system do you have they ask? … I have no idea! It is not at all uncommon for a homeowner to be unaware of…

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Why Are In-Warranty Repairs so Expensive?

Even if your HVAC unit is under warranty, it may still cost a hefty amount to repair. Understanding what warranties you have and what those warranties cover, will explain why there may still be costs associated with an “in-warranty” repair.   First, there are three types of warranties. Manufacturer warranty This…

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Will Recharging My AC Fix It?

Recharging your AC may be a temporary fix to what could be a much bigger problem. Baggett Heating and Cooling wants you to know why recharging your AC is not considered routine maintenance and what to look for when deciding whether or not to give us a call Getting an…

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Why Does My Thermostat Have Batteries?

One question we often hear is why do thermostats have batteries? Baggett Heating and Cooling is here to tell you why digital and hardwired thermostats still need to run on batteries and what to do when they are low. Most digital thermostats are both hardwired to your house and have…

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