
Ward Named Business Woman of the Year

By Andy-Lee Fry The Leaf Chronicle, July 9, 2012 Alana Ward, owner and president of Clarksville’s Baggett Heating & Cooling, has been named’s Woman of the Year. “This is a lifetime goal for me,” Ward said. “The first time I saw the award I thought, I want to be…

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The Typical Home is Paying for Heat It Never Benefits From…

Air ducts: the keys to comfort and efficiency Air ducts are often discounted in their importance or ignored all together when contractors and consumers evaluate their HVAC systems. However, they are the key to producing the best performing system. Here are the three biggest problems with duct systems and how…

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Why We’re Worth It

Dang! Why is this so much more expensive than that other company?!?!?!?! If you priced a comfort system repair or replacement recently, you may have found pricing between companies to be all over the map. As much as I hate using the phrase, “You get what you pay for,” it…

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Customer Says ‘Thank You’

Last week I received the following letter in the mail. Dear Alana, Just wanted to thank you for getting our heat pump going especially on New Year’s Eve.  I told Jason (our technician) to tell you we would stay with your company forever.  That was so nice of you to…

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Never Stop Learning

Each year I attend Comfortech, a national convention of plumbing, heating and cooling contractors. With it being in Nashville this year, I was excited to attend so close to home, as well as having the opportunity to be a presenter with a colleague of mine, Jim Hinshaw (Sales Improvement Professionals,…

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The Introduction

Hello everyone, Alana here, ready to start this blog!  Since this is the first entry, I’d like explain why I am here and what I hope this blog accomplishes. As I meet people to discuss their home’s comfort and energy efficiency I find myself thinking, “Wouldn’t it be great if…

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