
How Often Should I Change My Air Filter?

One of the easiest and most inexpensive ways to maintain the health of your HVAC system is to simply change the air filter on a regular basis. Read on for a brief explanation from the experts at Baggett Heating & Cooling of the importance of changing your furnace filter often.…

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Is a Cracked Heat Exchanger Dangerous?

If you’ve recently had your heating system checked and been told you have a cracked exchanger, you probably immediately started asking them a lot of questions. 1. How long will it keep working? 2. The house is still staying warm, so can I continue to use it? 3. What caused…

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It’s Time to Be Thankful for Our Heating System

As winter approaches and we gather to spend time with our family and friends, we’d like to take a minute to thank our heating system for all the warmth and comfort it provides. Can you imagine waking up on Thanksgiving morning to not only prepare the turkey for the oven,…

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How Does a Heat Pump Work?

Well, it may seem strange, but a heat pump can both heat and cool our homes. No matter what the temperature outside, enough heat can be found by a heat pump to “pump” it from the outside into our house. The same is true when it comes to cooling our…

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Why isn’t my furnace turning on?

It’s never too soon to make sure your furnace is going to turn on in Nashville, TN. If you’ve tried to turn your heating system on and nothing happened, you’ve probably starting to panic. Here’s a few things to check before reaching for the phone to call your local HVAC…

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