
Benefits of Installing a Heat Pump

As seasons, temperatures and weather patterns change, it is important to ensure that your home remains comfortable all year round. One great way to achieve this is to replace your heat pump. Upgrading your existing unit to a new heat pump has many benefits, from improved comfort to energy savings.…

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Building a Relationship With Your HVAC Company

Baggett Heating and Cooling says there are several reasons why having an established relationship with your HVAC company is good for your system and peace of mind. Prevent costly repairs   Save money on energy bills Priority service   Peace of mind   Baggett Heating and Cooling would like to…

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New Requirements for Air Conditioning and Heat Pump Systems

Effective January 1, 2023, the US Dept of Energy a new minimum efficiency standards for air conditioners and heat pumps will go into effect. SEER2 and EER2 HSPF Why the new requirements? There are many other variables that will affect the new guidelines, such as different ratings for different regions…

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Need some freon? Sure! Fill ‘er up.

How often does an air conditioner need refrigerant? Baggett Heating and Cooling explains why your system doesn’t need refrigerant added regularly. Every year our technicians encounter homeowners who believe their AC or heat pump should be recharged regularly.  We often hear, “The last guy who serviced it added a little…

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Should you hook up your gauges every time?

It’s common practice for many HVAC technicians to hook up their refrigerant hoses every time they evaluate a system. At Baggett Heating and Cooling, we believe the professional technician should determine that action based on the conditions of the call and the need. Here’s why… Manifold gauges allow a technician…

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Pros and Cons of a Home Warranty

A home warranty is different from having home insurance or a maintenance plan on your HVAC unit; so should you invest in one? Baggett Heating and Cooling explains the pros and cons of having a home warranty A home warranty does not replace home insurance as it is meant to…

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