Humidity • What’s the Right Level for Your Home?

baggett-heating-and-cooling-humidity-levelsBaggett Heating and Cooling wants you to know the lows and highs about humidity

Individual preference toward relative humidity in your home to make you comfortable is one thing, but levels that are too high or too low can cause health problems. The US Consumer Product Safety Commission suggests a relative humidity level of between 30 to 50 percent.

Problems caused by high indoor humidity:

  • Excess moisture promotes the growth and spread of mold, mildew, fungi, bacteria, and viruses.
  • Allergy sufferers may experience frequent or worse symptoms.
  • High humidity causes the home to feel muggy which can leave you feeling hot and uncomfortable.

Problems caused by low indoor humidity:

  • You may suffer from dry skin, chapped lips, and dry nasal passages. Cold and flu viruses may spread more rapidly.
  • Dry air causes your body to feel colder. The dry air pulls moisture from your skin, leaving you colder which in turn makes you turn up the heat in your home.
  • Dry air is damaging to the structure of the home as well as your furniture. When the air is dry, moisture is drawn from the wood in flooring, trim and window frames which may cause cracks and damage.

What can you do?

  • High and low humidity problems are usually caused by improper ventilation in your home. Check for cracks around windows and doors and make sure your HVAC air ducts are unblocked and flowing properly.
  • If you’re having a problem with humidity, call Baggett Heating & Cooling to check your HVAC system for ventilation problems that might have occurred.
  • Baggett Heating & Cooling can offer other humidity problem solutions as well.

Contact Baggett Heating & Cooling for a complete ventilation inspection.

Baggett Heating & Cooling has been around for over 45 years, so give us a call or text
us at (931) 645-2859 for expert service!