Baggett Heating & Cooling shares several ways to help customers breathe cleaner air this fall and winter.

Replace Filters Regularly
We believe it is important anytime, but even more so now, to have your HVAC coils professionally cleaned and to replace your filters regularly. We recommend checking your filters every 30 days and replacing when dirty. For an additional layer of protection, consider higher efficiency filtration like HEPA filters.
According to sources, any air cleaner that removes particles from the air has potential to reduce exposure to coronavirus. The question lies in what efficiency of filter. Coronavirus is very small, measuring between 0.06 and 0.14 microns in size. HEPA (high-efficiency particulate arrestance) filters are 99.97% effective at trapping particles down to 0.3 microns in size.
Consider UV Lights & iWave Air Purifying Systems
For additional peace of mind, consider installing UV lights or an air purifying device in your home’s air duct system. Scientists have found that COVID-19 can remain infectious on surfaces at room temperature for up to nine days. Upper-air UV-C fixtures can destroy those microbes when they are exposed to the UV-C energy in seconds. Find out more in our blog here.
iWave is a bi-polar ionization generator designed specifically for treating air in residential duct A/C systems. When air passes over the iWave, ions produced by the device reduce pathogens, allergens, and particles in the air. When iWave manufactures tested the device against COVID-19, they reported that 99.4% of the virus was inactivated after 30 minutes. Learn more about the iWave here.
Get a Seasonal Tune-Up
Since we’re all spending more time in our homes (and likely to be spending much more time inside this winter), it’s important to have your HVAC unit inspected and coils professionally cleaned. Baggett Heating and Cooling is taking steps recommended by the CDC and industry leaders to protect our customers and technicians during service calls. Take a look at some of our safety guidelines:
- Social Distancing has been enforced with customers and co-workers. We also recommend no handshaking, using phone communication as much as possible, and maintaining a minimum of three feet distance as recommended by WHO.
- Daily Routines have been altered for safety reasons including staggered arrival times, no eating inside the workplace, and technician temperature monitoring.
- Symptoms that employees may have including fever, cough, and shortness of breath must be reported immediately and that employee will be required to stay at home and contact their physician.
- General Hygiene is strongly enforced including thorough hand washing before and after each job. We also clean our supplies with disinfectant regularly.
- Supplies have been stocked and distributed to each truck including gloves, masks, bleach, extra rags, etc.
Baggett Heating & Cooling has been serving the Clarksville/Montgomery County area for over 45 years. As guardians of the indoor air we breathe, HVAC technicians stand alongside public health workers in the fight against coronavirus (COVID-19). We make no claims that doing any of these things mentioned in this blog will completely remove your risk of contracting COVID-19. All our recommendations are simply tools that are likely to lessen that risk.
Baggett is ready to serve the needs of our customers and team members while doing our best to protect the needs of the community at large. Integrity is one of our core values at Baggett. Fulfilling that value to us means placing everyone’s safety at the forefront of our decision making today and always. Give us a call or text us at (931) 645-2859.